
Over weight Beardie?

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I know that my beardie was slightly overweight when I went on holidays a fortnight ago. My parents looked after her while I was away - they fed her as instructed but my niece n 2 nephews have been feeding her too - this means she is now v. overweight (in my eyes) how can I get her to go on a diet, without her feeling like I'm punishing her by taking away her fave foods?

Cheers :-)




  1. i had this problem with my leopard gecko.

    When my lizard was over weight i kept his diet But i held him a lot more let him run around. and after a 2 weeks he was good as new..but if that does not work just cut down on food. Just cut down the crickets bye like 1 or 2 and exercise and that way it will be as good as new.

  2. Simple Cut her food down to her normal levels and give her more exercise.You will definitely will not be punishing her you will be saving her live.No reptile will live long if they are overweight.

  3. Take Beardie up the aisle

  4. Animals are very much like humans in the way that they tend to over eat when they are bored.

    You need to make more of an effort to stimulate her and exercise her.

    I suppose increasing her exercise and feeding her the usual amount should result in the weight coming off.

    Don't forget though, she should be a little overweight heading back towards colder months if she tends to brumate.
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