
Overall who is better...good or evil?? ?

by  |  earlier

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okay a really generic question, but use ur own references, experiences, or whatever.

I just wanna ur own opinion, who is better? and if u have room..why do u belive so????




  1. SEE NO EVIL hEAR NO EVIL speak No evil

  2. Of course evil is better. Think about it. If there were no evil in this world, people cannot learn from villainous acts. We will not adapt to life, and thus simply perish from Earth's existence. If there were no good in this world, it would not matter, because evil will win, thus proving it is fittest for survival according to Charles Darwin.  

  3. There is no such thing as evil - only thinking makes it so.

  4. personally i think good is better it helps out a lot in life most of the time...if you get what im saying and im guessing that a lot of people think this too but there are still some that would prefer evil either way we need both all part of the balance without evil there would be no good (and vice versa) doesnt make much sense does it? but it will and no im not crazy  

  5. good

  6. they say Good all ways triumps over Evil

  7. Evil, they have cookies.  But seriously speaking a balance of both is better, and the balance is different for everyone.

  8. Provoking.  If a man commits murder that is considered evil, yet his punishment to fit his crime is the death penalty.  Then evil certainly prevails.

    There is a saying that my mother used to tell me, "if you are not capable to cause harm, then you can do no good."  

    Same instance - same man murdered his father who abused him, his siblings, spouse etc...

    I assume it comes to point of what is just and right for the community.  Really neither can rank better or worse, one would be obsolete without the other.

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