
Overcoming an inferiority complex? Anyone else have it?

by  |  earlier

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I have had this problem since my early teens. Everyone else was better then me, and practically nothing I accomplished I felt I deserved, or I felt I could have done better. I was totally jealous of girls thinner then me, who had beauty and people who had personality and humor, none of which I felt I had. I would always feel some tinge jealousy for friends or people I knew that had succeeded in some way. I know this stems from my mom since she has low self-esteem and always critizing her looks and has a negative view to everything. Do you have a similar problem? How the heck do you get over it its just making life h**l to live with.




  1. i think everyone has gotta feel this way at some point in their life. i know i do. and, does stem from my mom too. i just kind of try to ignore it now and 'look on the bright side' even though i know there really isn't one. i just hope that you stay strong for yourself cause things get better along the way, trust me, they will. (they can't get any worse!)

    much love

  2. Its going to be very painful to get over this.

    Change is never easy, and I myself have a similar problem.

    The only thing I can recommend is to say constantly, everyday, 10 times when you wake up in the morning and 10 times when you sleep...."I am a worthy person. I like myself, and others like me as well. I am thankful for so much that I have"

    The bottom video will transform you life in a sad way.

  3. start believing in yourself ... don`t start big just try interacting with people you don`t know ... change something you don`t like about yourself , dunno a new haircut ... everyone has a great part , you just need to find it ... the first steps are the hardest but afterwards you`ll see it`s not that hard :D good luck and chin up  

  4. Hi.. it sounds like your self-esteem is really suffering.  I was wondering if you spend time in therapy with the psychiatrist... and if you talk about things which you feel.  If not, maybe you could ask the psychiatrist about seeing a therapist who deals specifically with people your own age?

    It's tough living with someone who is negative all the time.  I hope you can get the help you deserve.  Websites below if you are interested.  I'm not sure if the third one is useful, but i listed it just in case.

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