
Overdose help?!?

by  |  earlier

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Um.. When I get upset I overdose. Yesterday i took 11 Advils at 1 time. then i took like 4 or 5 Tyenols(spelling?) at one time. I wanna stop >.>... Any ideas of how to stop? And what can happen by taking 15 ir 16 pills in one day? I take like 6 or 7 or 8 a day usually. So yeah. Can anybody tell me ways to stop or what can happen by taking that many pills? I DO NOT WANT MY PARENTS TO FIND OUT.




  1. You want to hurt yourself when you are angry?  Eventually those pills will close down your liver.  It is completely possible to close down your lover with say 300 tylenol, but you will barf up most of those before the damages are done.  Have you ever thrown them up?  I threw up zoloft one time because I burnt my throat so bad that it hurt for 3 weeks.  Have you ever been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder?  Hurting oneself is s symtom of this when under a lpt of pressure.  I am diagnosed with it.  I took DBT classes ( Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and found other coping skills.  Often these methods of threatening to hurt oneself can be linked to lack of attention in teenagers.  I think maybe you should see a counselor and get a medical diagnosis or just decide you love yourself enough that you don't want to hurt yourself.  Find other coping skills....get a punching bag, or go for a bike ride until all your muscles are numb....these coping skills often feel like you are damaging yourself, but it is in a more positive way.

  2. Well its pretty stupid to try to overdose on anything..But if your going to pop some pills atleast do something worth it, like lortabs they are great...P.S. Drink a couple beers right wont be upset

  3. GAHHHH uh... *slap slap slap* NO TAKE-Y PILLS xD

  4. daaamn.

    *sigh* google magic, my friend.

    "Do not take more of this medication than is recommended. An overdose of Advil can cause damage to your stomach or intestines. The maximum amount of Advil for adults is 800 milligrams per dose or 3200 mg per day (4 maximum doses). Use only the smallest amount of Advil needed to get relief from your pain, swelling, or fever. Avoid taking Advil if you are taking aspirin to prevent stroke or heart attack. Advil can make aspirin less effective in protecting your heart and blood vessels."

    huh...OOH! LOOK!

    "Call your doctor at once if you have symptoms of bleeding in your stomach or intestines. This includes black, bloody, or tarry stools, or coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds."

    OMG! MORE!

    "This medicine can also increase your risk of serious effects on the stomach or intestines, including bleeding or perforation (forming of a hole). These conditions can be fatal and gastrointestinal effects can occur without warning at any time while you are taking Advil. Older adults may have an even greater risk of these serious gastrointestinal side effects."

    god may. go tell your parents. I DON'T CARE IF THEY KILL YOU. it's better than you killing yourself.

  5. that **** gonna mess up your stomach and its not even worth it. You probably feel a little weird but popping advil to get high or to make u not upset is stupid. just smoke weed

  6. Well you just need to's pointless taking that many advil or tylenol.  They won't do anything to you like actual painkillers(vicodin, loritab etc...)  You are destroying your stomach and sooner or later you will be in the hospital with horrible ulcers which you don't want.  I know people that have gone through this and it's not pleasant.  I'm sorry but it's just stupid taking that many pills that will do nothing to calm you down or whatever it is you need to take them for.  Just stop or you're going to have a lot of health problems and you won't be able to hide them from your parents.

  7. First of all, congratulations for recognizing this is a problem, and trying to find ways of dealing with it.  Admitting there is a problem is the hardest part.

    If you have a family doctor or pediatrician ( you don't say how old you are, but I am assuming teenage??) they would be a very good resource for getting you the help you need.  And they will keep it confidential.

    However, it really is important that you disclose this to your parents.  They love you and will want to get you the best help they can.  

    There are lots of reasons why kids do this kind of self harm behaviour.  Usually it isnt' really because of true suicidality, but more it is a cry for help or attention.  It usually means there are some emotional and psychological issues you need help with.  You need to learn less harmful ways of dealing with anger and frustration

    Lastly, dying from Tylenol overdose is a very painful and unpleasant way to die, as it causes liver failure, and then all your other organs shut down in turn.  The usual toxic dose is about about 7 grams, or about 14 Extra Strength Tylenol. (the 500 mg) but it varies depending on body weight and other illnesses you may have.
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