
Overexposure of animals to X-rays is dangerous because X-rays are known to damage DNA.?

by  |  earlier

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A direct result of this damage is cells with ...??

1) unusually thick cell walls

2) no organelles located in the cytoplasm

3) abnormally large chloroplasts

4) changes in chromosome structure




  1. Tha answer is changes in chromosome structure.Usually X-Ray damage the chromosome due to its high frequency.

    Best Wishes :)

  2. The answer is 4. 1 and 3 contain aspects oF cells that only appear in plant cells - cell walls and chloroplasts and organelles do not just disappear From cells because oF radiation as Far as I know.

  3. X-rays denature all kinds of organic molecules essential to living cells. DNA is just one of these.

  4. 4.

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