
Overhand Serve Help?

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I seriously need help on my overhand.

How do I get more power to it? Mines never goes over the net.

And how should I swing my arm?




  1. I had the same problem too. Part of your problem could be that your toss isn't high enough.

    1. If you are a righty, hold the ball in your left hand.

    2.Take your right hand and put it on the back of the ball. (close to your face!)

    3. Take your right hand and bring it back.

    4.Toss high, step, and then swing very hard!!!

    5. Make sure that you hit it when it is high in the air.

    6. PRACTICE!!!!

    7. Good Luck!!!!

  2. first practice toss...everything the serve is about is initial with a good toss. Practice tossing it and if u toss it correctly, with left foot slightly forward, it should land right next to the right of your foot. Do that over and over till you get it. Next pull your right hand back and keep it high with ur elbow pointing down and slightly back. Do your toss and step forward, extending your right hand to hit the ball. It should be high with a good toss and it should sail right over being a good serve. When you eventually get good with your serves try practicing to a target on the court...thats always a good impresser ;)

  3. Swing like a tennis player serves the ball, bring your hand right back to the middle of your back

  4. toss the ball up right in front of you( so if you let it drop then it would hit your toe) and swing your arm. stop at the top and pretend like your waving at someone.

  5. swing faster

  6. well mayB u just suck !!! but if u want 2 get better the most imporant part of serving is ur toss. make sure it is high and in front of you a little. then once u hav ur toss down work on ur arm strength. u can do push ups and lifting. once u r strong enuf it all about technique and putting ur toss in the right spot and hitting with the right part of ur hand. u want 2 hit with the lower part of ur palm !!! GooD LucK
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