

by Guest66845  |  earlier

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Well my school has started a coed volleyball team and I have to do a overhand serve when I'm good on underhand because I was on the girls volleyball and we could do any. So I need some tips on making my serve getting over all the time.





  1. concentrate, have a routine and swing high

  2. there really isnt much of a toss involved in a good floater you should be contacting the ball almost right out of your hand, I would describe it but the best way is to show people hopefully you can have a coach teach you to do a proper floater, other than the jumpserve or a jump floater this is the only serve indoor players should be doing.

  3. Just make sure the ball  goes as high as you can extend your hand when you throw it up to serve.

    I had a problem with this in high school as well. I had the power, but I just wasn't throwing it high enough, so it often went into the net.

  4. only toss it as high as ur gona hit it.

    hit that ball HARD.

    snap ur wrists;_ylc=...

  5. When you're hitting the ball, you're trying to transfer the energy from your body to the ball through the contact point.

    Primary contact area should be the heel of your hand. Try to make good solid contact with the ball and also put your weight into it. Don't slap or push the ball but hit it clean.

    Below are some tips:


    With firm wrist, arm toss the ball 18 inches - so that the ball falls to the spot just inside of the lead foot and in line with the hitting shoulder.


    Elbow and hand are at shoulder height or above throughout the entire serving motion.


    Shift weight to lead foot, or step forward, as you make contact with the ball.


    Wrist firm throughout serve.

    Contact with heel of hand through middle back of ball.

    The contact should sound like a "thud", not a "slap" sound.

    Hand follows ball to target.

    Finish with hand alongside or within body line.

  6. make sure its a good toss so if you dropped it it should land right in front of your foot. keep your wrist stiff when you serve. follow though

  7. Practice your tosses everyday becuase the toss is the most important part. If you throw it to high you wont get enough power and if you throw it to low then you will serve it into the net. Once you think youve gotten your toss down go through the motions and then practice practice. try doing it against a wall and picking a target and trying  to hit it. DO NOT USE YOUR FIST TO HIT THE BALL! It is bad form so use an open hand and hit it on your palm as hard as you can.  If you practice everyday for a week or so youll be getting them in no time! Hope this helps!

  8. Its all about your step!

    practice against the wall, first of all i didnt care how far they went i just put them high and they barely got over, i only used overhands, even though i wasnt strong at them and i finally got used to them. make them high, just enough to go over the net, you eventually get that arm strengthend and used to it and it will be super easy. maybe try from going closer in and backing up everytime they get over or soemthing till you can serve from the line:S

  9. First off, make sure your feet are spaced well and at a good distance so that you do not cross the line. If your righty, normally the left foot is in front and vice versa, but it's your preference.

    Make sure you toss the ball high, but not too high, you want to hit the ball at your ARM'S HIGHEST REACH.

    One of the biggest problems I've noticed witha  girl's overhand serve is that it's not hard enough. HIT THE BALL HARD. You'll be surprised when you notice how far you really hit.

    Also, to make the ball go further, make sure you FOLLOW THROUGH. If you stop slowing your arm down right after you hit it, the ball will go slower and it will have a good chance of not getting past the net.

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