
Overhand serving??

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Well for tryouts we had to overhand serve and i couldn't make it over the net and that was the reason i didn't make the team. so could anyone give me any tips on getting it over? any exercises to strengthen my arms would help me too. any ideas of what to do?




  1. Stand straight ahead place the ball in your non- dominant hand.

    Throw the ball up, and step forward on your non- dominant foot...arch your back a bit then just guide your dominant hand forward and hit the ball....Not with your wrist- YOUR PALM

    However your serving technique is natural and unique to you... the above is a general guideline

    The serve is not meant to be powerful, it's about accuracy, location of the hit, and to get the ball into play... You don't have to be 'super strong' to make a good serve.... just practice and you'll get better  :)

    Have Fun  :)

  2. You should hit the ball with your palm.  Hitting it with your fist may give you enough power to get the ball over the net.  You can then make the team and sit on the bench.  You have more power with your fist closed, but less accuracy.  

    When you hit the ball with your palm and your hand straight and open, you should keep your wrist straight and allow your arm to follow through.  If you make sharp contact, your serve will float.  When you make it onto the team, a good floater serve will probably get you on the court often.  

    You should practice your serve every day.  If you have access to a court, start at the 3 meter line (10 foot line) and get your serve over.  Do it 5 times from that spot.  Move back one step and serve it over again.  If you get it over, move back one step.  If you miss a serve, serve again from that spot.  If you miss 2 in a row, take one step forward.  Keep doing this drill until you can serve from the service line.  If you do not have access to a court, but have a volleyball and a friend, mark of a spot 30 feet from a place where you can mark off a line that is at least 7'4" for women and 8' for men.  Do the same thing.  Start close and work your way back.  

    There are several problems with people getting their overhand serves over the net.  One is technique.  One is weakness in the arm.  But the biggest problem is actually between the ears.  You will have to believe that you can get the serve over before you can get the serve over.  Success will create more success.  Failure breeds failure.    If you have success at the shorter distances, you will gain confidence in your ability.  The more you serve, the more confidence you will have.

  3. Ok,listen i played and still do  i used to always wanna overhand cause my freind could and i kept practicing like hitting it against a wall,liftting wieghts

    and it always workes you just need to get a stronger upper arm and youll be able to do it..=D

  4. Yeah, the only thing coaches look for in an overhand serve is accuracy... I've talked with high school and volleyball coaches about this, and they said that as long as your serve is where you want it, you're going to do well.

    As far as technique... this is the easiest way to explain it... stand with your shoulders square and feet shoulder width apart.  If you are right handed, move your left foot forward about one step.  Make sure your left foot is pointed where you want your serve to go.  Now hold the ball gently in your left hand (if you're right handed) and toss it straight up, as if you were putting something onto a high bookshelf... once it is just about arms length above your head, "bump" or "punch" it over with the heel of your right hand (this is the area below your palm).  Your hand should be like a closed fist, but your fingers should be curled above your palm.  From here just concern yourself with getting it over the net and then you can aim left or right, short or deep.  Good luck!
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