
Overheard most wierd thing from car radio by traffic lights @ death metal girls plan to scam & kill rich OAPs?

by  |  earlier

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I just searched, inc the 'MO' overheard & it got no result

It sounds like Al Qaeda etc are recruiting impoverished & embittered girl students, radicalising them & training them in 1/2/3 'perfect murder' techniques - that are always recorded as tragic accidents of an intimate nature: no ruthless femme fatale gold-digger has ever been charged, let alone convicted for it

& there must be hundreds of thousands of such serial killings since the dawn of time

But multiplying as multimedia age desensitises people to obvious dangers of indulging certain 'fun fantasies' that hip hop/death metal culture pop videos peddle routinely

Was it news?

Or a movie/TV show plot?

Sorry I'm not being specific - to avoid copycats, OK?

I'll just say it's certain variations on the choking/blackout/pass out game, presented as enhancing & prolonging 'intimacy'

They exploit efforts to revive the death penalty by highlighting the famous FX autopsies on hanged men always observe, & call it fun




  1. the only one that is going to be scrutinized is you. you give us way too much information about a subject that you refuse to tell us about because you want to avoid copycats. now please tell me how absurd you sound.-blurey

  2. Take another pill and go back to bed....idiot

  3. I think you need to reel in your vivid imagination.

  4. PMSL this is hilarious.

  5. Which crossword is it and how many letters?.

  6. i have no idea what ur talking about!!!!!

  7. what times lock up ..... you better get back in time

  8. What illegal substances are you on?

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