
Overpopulation and its impact on india.I need answer atlest 5 pages?

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i want to make a project on this topic .That's why i need 5 pages




  1. take help fr--

    try writing ---Overpopulation + india in google and search it..

  2. overpopulation in india has a significant impact upon many areas of india or something

    -feeding the people

    -space for the people (if this is for geography, then you could talk about urban consolidation, urban planning, urban sprawl)

    -traffic and transport-related incidents like accidents and the like

    -pollution, with that many people croweded together in a small area, all driving cars the carbon emissions and pollution would have drastic impacts upon india's environment and also the health of the people living in that area, smog and stuff

    -increased crime because so many people in a small area, robberies

    -potential health risks or hazards to the people living there

    -impacts upon the environment, pollution, water quality, natural flora and fauna ect

    -the stress placed on public infrastructure, doctors, health clinics, public buildings, schools, water, gas, electricity, roads, public transport

    -social impacts, the impacts that the overpopulation has on people, high unemployment rates?

    sorry cant think of anything else, however this should be enough to help you write at least 5 pages if not more

    hope this helps

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