
Overpopulation; the root of most of our problems?

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Look at the facts currently there about 6.5 Billion humans on this earth. By 2050 it is estimated to double; and it is estimated that the worlds carrying capacity is 9 million. If you think about it; why are we wasting our natural resources? For example; using our oil reservoirs, destroying our forests, over-hunting animals, over mining of metals, precious metals, and other elements, as well as over-farming. Why has pollution, been on the rise for the past 200 years? Overpopulation is the most logical answer in my opinion. Industries, and governments have to meet the needs of the people. As the population raises the more we need to provide for. Also more people mean more carbon emissions and other environmental hazards. What is contributing to overpopulation? Advancement of medicine and technology and advancement of civilization. Do you think the Chinese law of only having one child is doing the right thing? Do you think that we need to limit birth rates and even establish a death age?




  1. That's a long set of questions!

    Zero Population Growth

    and The Population Bomb book

    were big in my younger years.  They influenced my beliefs.

    I agree: the Earth trying to support too many people produces a lot of bad effects.

    Look at some photos of major cities in S. America, or at photo of Cairo, Egypt.

  2. China and India alone account for about 2.5 Billion of those 6.5 Billion...

    Your ideas would never work in theory; If the overpopulation is from too many Chinese or Indians, you're not going to start limiting the population growth of Caucasians or Africans... That wouldn't make sense, and I doubt it would go over well, if you asked the Chinese or Indians to start killing more of themselves, to conserve the worlds resources.

    The US at the same time, only being 350 million, uses more resources and pollutes more per capita then anywhere else in the world.

    In the end, the world will correct the problem if there is one. Higher populations tend to result in poor living conditions. That results in famine, war and disease...

  3. it absolutely is. i wonder if there will, someday, be a limit on how many children a couple may have (like they did in China).

  4. Establish a death age? No. Limit birthrate, yes. We are overwhelmed with a bunch of losers, that is the problem. Have you ever notice that a well educated couple will have about 1 or 2 kids. On the other hand, people with no education or criminals will have 10+ kids. So in the future the good kids have to work extra hard to carry the load for the bad kids. The imbalance will increase until the deadweight is too heavy for the good people to carry. But we can not limit bithrate because it is against their human's why once in a while you will see war and genocide to control the ever growing population.

  5. no to all of your questions thank goodness you are not in charge

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