
Overpowered AM station bleeding thru phone lines?

by  |  earlier

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We have a local Spanish AM station that is overpowed and bleeding thru several phone lines. I have tried to use several different in-line filters, even ones that I had built specifically to block the 1480 AM range and still can hear this damned station on our phone lines. Does anyone know of a product that would effectivly block an AM stations broadcast. I have tried the city and state government, the state government has also had problems with this station bleeding into their phone lines and has check the station. The state calims the staion is broadcasting within their limits and there is nothing they can do about it. I have a feeling this spanish radio station cuts down their broadcasting power everytime someone complains and then boosts it back up a couple of days later. Please help! Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!




  1. This is a more common problem than many people realize.  At the house where I grew up we had the same problem until I replaced all of the house's phone wires with Cat5.  Since I'm an electrician it wasn't much of a problem and this may be an option for you.

    I also had the phone company replace the aerial drop wire to the house from the pole with shielded wire.  While these options were rather extreme and to the average person expensive it worked, my mother's phone line is very clear now, with no cross-talk or powerful AM stations bleeding through.

  2. Have you tried contacting the FCC? They have guidelines that are set up which stations must follow to make sure they don't interfere with any other electronic devices.

    They will be able to help you much more than your local police and government since they are a federal branch.

    You can contact them here:

  3. get an REF filter from you local Radio-Shack!!

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