
Overseas humanitarian work for a 15 year old??

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I live in Australia and i want to do humanitarian work for the experience, travel and to do what i can to help people.

How can i get involved??

please dont say 'start local' and do little things, i've been helping the red cross for years and doing all those little community things. i mean OVERSEAS with a group or something??




  1. It's a bit difficult to reccomend something for a 15 year old to be honest, i doubt there are many oppertunities around. What i could recommend though is starting an interact club. They are sponsored by rotary international and are based in schools - they do community service projects and raise money for local and international charities. I notice you're involved in the red cross - the red cross and rotary are the ONLY two of this kind of organisation that have seats on the UN. Try contacting your local rotary club at and see what you can find out :)

  2. idk but when you find out tell me

    maybe we could do like a switch thing  you come here i go there and help out each otheres community LOL

  3. This prob won't help much but firstly that is such an amazing thing you want to do I think you should talk to the red cross about some ways you could get involved in this

  4. lots of people wont take you at 15

    to go help with organisations overseas most need you to be 18

    so i doubt you can do much until your a bit older

    so great that you want to help.

    there are lots of volunteer opportunities out there

  5. Maybye the peace corps. they came to our schoolsaying you can leave at 16.

  6. Not familiar with the charity scene in Australia but you can seek an organisation which does humanitarian work.

    You can try


    *Red Cross:

    Or else try a local church. Churches usually organise mission trips to different parts of the world. Depends on the church, some may dabble in real street work.

  7. Try Amerispan. They have a program for teenagers only. My husband and I plan on using them for the volunteer/language classes later. They seem to customize trips so let them know why you want to go.

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