
Oversensitive 5 yr old?

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my daughter has always been a bit of a crier (if she gets told no, doesn't get her way, eating etc.) Lately when I've taken her to her step-grandma's house she bawls when I leave. She tells me she's lonely there (her grandma babysits for like 6 other kids) she used to play with the kids and have a blast there. Now she sits by herself and cries. What could it be?!?!?!?!




  1. You probably shouldn't take her there anymore. She might be crying because she misses you and she wants to spend time with you.  

  2. You should ask your daughter what is wrong....don't know unless you ask right?? Sounds like you need to find another baby sitter though to me, cuz if there are 6 other kids there and she sits in a corner and cries all day SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT ABOUT THAT SITUATION.

  3. If you "give in" to her constantly, she will (and most likely has) learned that crying will get her whatever she wants...I would tell her she has no choice and will have to learn to make the best of is never to early to teach a child that you cannot always get what you want, when you want it...

    Some children get "clingy" at about this age...and if you let her, she'll cling to you for YEARS to come...she needs to learn to occupy herself (not needing someone or something to keep her busy, but keeping herself busy) play alone sometimes...

    Be firm...don't give in...and help her learn independence and self-reliance.

  4. I would recommend a book called "the science of parenting" which has a different way at looking at the damage caused by letting a child cry a lot.

    don't listen to people saying to let her "cry it out" ect. its mean.

    Also, check into doing some play therapy. You can learn about things you can do at home, to help her. Things as simple as sensory play with different textures, like uncooked corn meal, rice, etc.

    I say talk to her, find out why she is sad, talk to grandma about what happened. I had some trouble all of a sudden with my kid, and it turns out the there was a kid bullying him. that kid is gone and he is happy to be going again.

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