
Overshadowed by my stunning friends?

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I'm 14, an average kinda girl, bout 5ft 6, around 8 n half stone, I'm not butt ugly but I'm not as pretty as i wish i cud b, and I'm friends with some absolute stunners, and i sometimes get down when I'm out with them cuz boys will ignore me n just talk 2 them. i dnt resent my friends at all, but i dnt know how to get around the fact that I'm like the ugly friend in the group.

how can i get more noticed n fit in better?




  1. Do you know the best way to chat to boys?

    Be confident, all young girls think other girls are better looking but its not about looks its all about the confidence you have within you.

    That is more attractive to boys believe me.

    Try to improve on that rather then trying to ge fit and wanting to be more beautiful, you probably are really beautiful but you have no self confidence and so this dosent shine through!

    Good Luck x

  2. right, tell your 'pretty' friends to come in town and ask them to tell you when they see something nice and in the price range that you want.

    you will then have the confidence that they like what your wearing.

    invite them for a sleepover and say 'right we are going to do each others hair and make up!' and they will do your make up and watch what they do, ask if it looks nice and then you will have your hair and make up. (:

    for boys. speak to them normally like when they are around your friends just speak to them and then you will feel more confident. you could then ask your friends and boys to come to the park or streets and then you will become more friendly with them and hopefully one of them liking you. then you have a boyfriend.

    then, you have a brand new confident you with AMAZING looks and clothes and a boyfriend, you go girl. (:

    sorry if you cant do any of these. i hate it when that happens to me like someone says go round to their house, but you that good friends to go round to their house.  

  3. U should not feel low if boys who only care for looks ignore u. The key to beauty lies in your heart. A genuine guy will definitely honour your qualities, so try to cherish them. And yes, dont feel so low, they may have looks but u definitely have something else, be proud of yourself, love yourself, and others will love u.

  4. Just accept yourself for who you are. Does it matter about looks? It matters about whats inside, not whats on the outside. One day - you will find the boy that is totally right for you and will acceot you for who you really are. Geez, you must be horrible if all you think about is looks. :-/

  5. Get new friends.

    Ugly ones.

    Really, really ugly ones.

    Ones with bad skin, greasy hair, fat, hunch backs, maybe even disabled.

    Compared to them you'll look stunning and feel better about yourself.

  6. You should start by telling your friends how you feel. Maybe they will understand and comfort you about he situation. As long as you know your friends are there for you, that really shouldn't matter any more. Also have like a makeover slumber party type thing and ask them for some tips on your image.

  7. It is a tough one.  I used to feel exactly like you, and sometimes still do.  You know what I do?  Give myself a good talking to - I tell myself I am just as worthy as my beautiful friends and that I am d**n gorgeous (this one makes me laugh, but I feel better for it).

    The truth is, the only person making you feel inferior, is YOU!  I agree with the previous comment about having a sleepover and asking your friends to help you with hair, make up, etc, etc.  It's not all about looks, but I know at the age of 14 its all about fitting in with your friends.

    Try to accept yourself for the beautiful, lovely person that you are.  It is truly about what is inside that counts, but at 14 it's difficult to grasp that concept.  Good luck!!

  8. Sassy is right. The elements you need are; confidence, upkeep in your visual appearance, lots of personality and someone to confined in. The truth is, there isn't ANYTHING wrong with you. Most girls are under the wrong impression that their friends are better in some way, but personality really is the key. If a boy likes you for your personality first, then whether your friends are conveniently better looking or not shouldn't matter. Stop putting yourself down and start bigging yourself up instead.  

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