
Overturning a Governor's wishes and plans............???

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Hey - did you see where for once, one of our leaders BACKED DOWN to the dissenting voices of the voters?? Hip, hip hooray !! Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York pushed hard to allow illegal aliens valid drivers licenses. BAD IDEA !!! What a joke he is. The polls said that 70% of the NY voters are against this lunacy !!! Guess what ? The Governor has backed down. Local and regional officials took the Governor signed protest letters from their constituents.....I venture to say the Governor was overwhelmed by those who did not like what he was trying to do !! BRAVO, NY voters and patriots !! Let's keep up the momentum, and overturn other wicked things our state and nation is trying to do !! I have heard there are other states trying to do the same thing.........what have you heard? Which states are involved? If you are in such a state, don't you think you ought to make YOUR voices heard?




  1. Overturning a governor's wishes happens quite a bit, just usually at an earlier stage -- they propose an idea and find out they can't get it past the legislature, so the idea or plan  gets retooled or dropped.  

    In this case it appears that Gov. Spitzer expected a lot of national and state support of his plan, which did not develop (did he miscalculate the strength of the support he expected?).  I'm sure Hillary's fumble, and the limelight it brought to the plan, did not help.

  2. Are you a New Yorker? I was very happy to hear this news.

  3. Thank God!  Spitzer never should have been Governor in the first place.  What a sick puppy!

  4. Saw that!  I also noticed that he referred to those who caused him to back down as being overly emotional in rejecting a sound idea....  Your governor is a loser!  Get rid of him.

  5. Absolutely,  we  should  speak  up  and  Let  People  Hear  us.!  In Plant City, Fla.  last week  a supervisor  Of  the Senior Housing Assistant  Homes refused  an  85 year old Grandma  Of  Placing  an  angel  On  Her  Christmas Tree!!   Word  got  Out,   It  was  Published,  People stood  up, Flooded   the  Establishment  with  their  Opinions  and  Comments  and  The  Desision  was  CHANGED  ASAP!!  Even  an  apology  appeared in the News!!!  SO,  YES  WE  NEED  TO  MAKE  OUR  VOICES  HEARD!!

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