
Overweight cat! Please help!!!!!?

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Ok, so I have a 2yr old cat and a 3yr old cat. They 3 year old is perfectly healthy but the 2 year old, well shes healthy, but overweight, before she was not overweight at all but shes just been gaining wait so much! She can't be pregnant because we got all our cats fixed and they never got out. We don't free feed either, they get food morning and night. So why is she gaining so much weight? What should I do? I'm not gonna take her for walks because a lot of people walk their dogs all the time. Please help thanks!




  1. Watch her carefully when you feed them and see if she is eating more.  If she's gaining weight off the same amount of food then something may be wrong with her health.

    Or, as it was said already, the recommended amount is really too much and the big kitty is taking the excess from the normal one.  

    Our obese kitty never seemed to care as much about food as any of the others.  I couldn't figure out how he got so big.  But after watching for awhile I noticed that he had so many tiny meals (I free feed) that he really was eating considerably more.

    Now I'm switching them over to Innova Evo: I think this is best because it's grain-free, so fewer empty calories and some of the best nutrition for dry and wet food. Although their dry food does use potato to help hold the kibble together, good wet food is always healthier than dry.  They eat less of this because it fills them up faster.  It's good for already healthy cats too and underweight ones.  I'm trying to avoid any complications with switching so I'm doing it very slowly.  So far I'm optimistic.  There are other very good food, like Wellness Core, that should be similarly beneficial.

    Of course play time is great too.  I've tried that with my obese one but he only likes to play with things while laying on his back.  

  2. Make sure she isn't getting into your food. If you feed her the correct proportions that are on the bag and she is overweight, take her to the vet. She could have some sort of internal problem that causes her to gain weight.

  3. Is your cat drinking a lot more water then usual.  When animals gain weight at a fast rate it could be diabetic.  I would go see a vet if you are very concerned about your cats wellbeing.  

  4. You said you feed your cat once at night and once in the morning.

    My vet has told me to only feed my indoor cat once a day, I give her dry food and occasionally give her wet food as a treat (maybe once a month) She is fed an all organic diet but this is because she has a very sensitive stomach. Once in the morning I give her about 1 cup of food. This will last her until the next morning with no complaints from her!  

    I also don't recommend you taking her for walks as well since this will just confuse your kitty or worse scare her. Indoor cats do need to be played with for at least 10 mins a day, try to keep all toys with string away from them while you are not there to make sure they don't get caught in the string. If they are not very active on their own try giving them some may have to stay away from them for a bit since some cats do not take kindly to you near THEIR catnip lol

    I bought my cat a kitty tree to entertain her at night, most cats are more on the nocturnal side.  usually very simple but cats love it! I usually grind some catnip into the carpet when she isn't looking so she will have a nice surprise! Good Luck!  

  5. Indoor cats tend to gain weight from lack of activity. In the wild they would be out hunting and running around. Its very common unfortunately.

    Well since you feed twice a day you can buy a low calorie diet for the overweight kitty. Either a "light" version of what you are already feeding or something like Hills r/d or w/d. You can also try decreasing the quantity you give your cat. You would have to discuss that with your vet because it depends on how overweight she is and what type of food you are feeding. NEVER give the recommended amount on the back of the bag they always tell you to feed more than needed ( so you buy more ).

    You can also buy toys like a laser pointer, my cats go nuts chasing it around the house.

    Good luck

  6. Make sure your cat isn't getting food or fed from other sources, also feed only the portions labeled on the cat food package.  Most pet food providers also make a "lite" formula for over-weight animals.  If you are doing all the responsible pet owner things then a visit to her vet may be in order.

    All the Best

  7. Ha ha, obese cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Vets have animal weight loss programs. Or you could be over feeding it. Change the brand of food your giving him, and it that doesn't help then see the vet. it could be metabolism problems, so a trip to the vet couldn't hurt.

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