
Ovualtion Kits? Please Help?

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I read the instructions and it told me to start testing on Cycle day 11 as I have a 28day cycle.

On Cycle day 11 the square box was lighter than the oval box.

On Cycle day 12 the square and oval box was the same a little darker.

On Cycle day 13 the square box was lighter than the oval box.

I will post pictures as soon as I learn how!!!!

Could it be I ovulated on cycle day 12, I really dont understand this can some one please help me.





  1. when you get a positive opk it means you will ovulate within the next 24-48 hrs.they predict a surge in hormones which tells your body to start ovulation so you would have most likely ovulated on the 13th or 14th.the test to be positve has to be as dark or darker than the control line or box etc

  2. Sounds like you ovulated the 12th. My box says to have s*x 24-36 hours AFTER you get the 2 dark lines. So, if you had s*x any days around that day, it could be promising.

  3. When you get a positive then that means you should ovulate sometime in the next 12-48 hours, with about 36 hours being average.  So if the test on CD12 was positive then you probably ovulated on CD13 or maybe 14.  But I'm not quite sure what you mean about the test on CD12 "the square and oval box was the same a little darker. " which was darker, the test or control line?  

  4. oh my goodness girl! what kind of kit did you buy??  I have been ttc for 14 months now (without even as much as a ppt) and I use the clearblue easy fertility monitor kit. even though I haven't gotten pregnant using it (I have a dr. appt. soon to help figure this out) it seems to be very good. It tells me when I am ovulating, and when I have high fertility. You really don't need the actual monitor, you can pretty much see what you are if you know how to read the test sticks lol. BUT I would recommend getting that one bc it will keep track of it for you. Try to get one on eBay, thats where I got mine, and it was brand new, for about $160

  5. ok I just went through this and did my research. I got a positive lh surge at 8pm saturday night, again at 10:30am sunday morning, and by 5pm sunday night, it was gone. Your lh surge can last anywhere from as little as 12 hours to 36 hours. It sounds like you got your surge on the 12th which would mean you would ovulate 24 to 48 hours from then. It sais to bed after 24 hours but no later than 36 when you get your positive opk. I hope this helps.

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