
Ovulate after implant removed? will i get a period?

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hi rite im gonna try the best words to exsplain this. i had my implant taken out just over 4 weeks ago. on the 22nd aug i ovulated me and my partner had s*x 3 days before it too. still no period yet and 12dpo. do u always have a period after ovulation??? i have been having some signs of pregnancy like really sore breast,blue veins all over my breast and going through and around my nipples, had a discharge that is creamy white but wit a tint of yellow (no smell or burning), really bad lower back pain??? r these positive signs??? i have a first responce im going to take in morning!! b most greatful if u could give me some answers!!!!




  1. Oh my god Chelsea im having exactly the same symptoms......I came off the implant 14th June.

    My back ache started this morning really bad which just made me think im not pregnant and was going to come on and now reading what you just wrote is gettin me all puzzled????

    Please let me know what the hpt says, hopefully its a bfp!!!  I havent got a clue how long my cycles are either so i dont know if im late or not but this one has been a long one!!

  2. your ovulations return to normal as soon as the implant is removed.

    all of the signs you have described are all of the signs i get a day or two before my period begins.  

  3. Difficult to tell- unfortunetly the signs for period and pregnancy are so similar!! I hope you've got lucky first time :)

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