
Ovulating very late, so what do i do next?

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last month I was on 100mg clomid cd5-9 hcg shot cd14 and never felt ovulationg signs but bd'ed a lot! had progesterone level check on cd 23 it came back low at 1.6 on cd 30 had it done again and t was a 6. the dr said i ovulated just very late in my cycle. I went 6 weeks between periods.

So this months, i took 150 mg clomid cd 3-7 and am getting hcg shot on cd 22 when could i possibly ovulate? i am just looking for helpful suggestions or similair experiences! thanks you :)




  1. Well, if you are getting the shot on CD22 then you should "normally" expect ovulation the next day or the day after that.  However, the hcg shot isn't a guarantee for ovulation.  Some women get the shot and then never ovulate that month.  What I did when I was on Clomid, was I used OPKs to make sure that I didn't ovulate before I had the shot and then once I had it, I just BD'd until I saw my BBT (Basal Body Temperature) rise.  That is your only guarantee of ovulation.  If you are not taking it already, you can get a Basal thermometer at Wal-Mart for $10 and use a charting website (I use, it's free) to input your temps, that way you can see the rise in temperature and know that you have ovulated.  Clomid does tend to make women ovulate later in their cycles than normal.  Good luck!

  2. have you talked to your doctor about progesterone supplements at the time of ovulation?

    don't you usually ovulate after you get the hcg shot?

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