
Ovulation Day... what do i do?

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ive been trying to get pregnant for 5 months now and i finally pin pointed my ovulation day. what can i do to become pregant right away on my ovulation day? please let me know different ways i can become pregnant fast.




  1. It all depends on your age. The chances of getting pregnant decreases with age. You will still also have a  20% chance of getting pregnant even after having s*x during ovulation. I have heard that having s*x using the doggy style can increase your chances as well. Good Luck.

  2. If you know the exact day you will ovulate , start having s*x for about a week before your expected ovulation. What i mean  is have s*x every other day right after you finish your period. Do it at least 3 times a week, every other day, so you cover your bases so you don't miss the Egg. the key is have s*x the days leading up to ovulation and the Day Of. Don't wait till the day you think you're ovulating to have s*x..Get what i'm saying? sorry for the blab. hope i helped.. BAby Dust To You...

  3. Because you know what day ovulation takes place makes ttc a little easier but definitely not less frustrating.

    Providing your partners sperm count isn't low (you'd only know if it's been tested) you can have s*x every day or every second day leading up to ovulation.

    Some doctors say leave it to every second day because it can help the sperm grow enough and be big and strong for the big journey.

    So say you Ovulate on CD 14, you should have s*x on CD 6,8,10,12,14,16.

    Sperm can survive inside a women for up to 5 days if the environment is right.

    Also getting pregnant can be a long process for some people. We have been trying for 9 months now.

    So try not to get down in the dumps about it taking a long time. Easier said than done I know. But there are many women on here who have been trying for 3+ years and still are not pregnant, and then one month their little miricale happens. There is the right time for everyone to get pregnant and you just have to wait patiently for that right time.

  4. it is not unusual to take months or even years to get pregnant.  there is no sure fire way.  stop stressing over it and it will happen.

  5. have s*x a couple of days before ovulation that way it gives the sperm some time to make it up there. try the spooning position and other positions that helps him reach deeper inside of you.  good luck

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