
Ovulation Help <span title="!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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When using ovulation kits on the day off your LH surge, which i did yesterday and again today, also had s*x Sunday night Monday night and going to again tonight. how long is it after that LH surge do you ovulate. And are the any signs.




  1. Not sure, my answer might not help.  But relax and do not stress yourself...things will work out.

  2. just a suggestion anxiety can slow it down i thought that too and just thought after 5 years thats it id not been blest with babies but do you know what , yes i had my first a couple of months later when i stopped worrying trying and just come to terms with it   i went on to have more 5 altogether  all boys !!  so you see r  r.elax im  sure that          your anxious. if its ment is now my favourite saying !, you will concieve , love n light .

  3. within 24 hours

  4. once the LH surge is detected it is good to have s*x within next 12-36 hrs.. as sperms can stay alive inside ur body up to 72 hrs.

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