
Ovulation Please Help!!!!!?

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I need a little help. I am trying to find out when I am ovulating. My last 3 periods were June 3, July 2, and August 3. My period last for 5 days. What day will I ovulate? Please help ttc :(




  1. When i was trying to get pregnant i didnt understand the whole ovualtion thing either. So i went to my local walmart store and got an ovulation kit, that thing was helpfull as all h**l, cause not every women is a typical ovulation some women are way off from what the medical books say. the kits was 17 bucks and was well worth it. Just so you know i am a women even though my advar is a guy. me and my husband share an account and the account was his first so i let him keep the guy advar. However i am 7 months pregnant and i think that the little 17 buck kit is what helped me get pregnant fact id say it was 80% of the reason i was able to get pregnant. c i tried with my husband for almost a year before i found out i was pregnant. i only used one month of the ovulation kit there at the end and i was pregnant. and if you are really serious i got to say it sounds funny but sexual position has alot to do with getting pregnant too. also i know its gross to discuss with a stragner but after the s***n is in you after s*x is dont do not get up and walk around lay there for about 20 to 30 min flat or with your legs elevated. this helps the s***n find there way if you stand up im sure you know what runs out and thats as far as im going to go into detail. Sorry for the details but hope you got some benefit from it

  2. Go to the site  and click on ovulation calendar. It is really detailed and helpful.  Good luck!

  3. You usually ovulate about 14 days before your first day of the next cycle. (when your period starts).  So count how many days your cycle usually is and then subtract 14 days, and that is about the day you ovulate each month.

    For more in depth info on this, read the book, "Taking Charge Of Your Fertility".  It will help ALOT.

    Best of luck to you!

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