
Ovulation Question? Clear blue showed LH surge on Saturday but I didn't have a shift in BBT unti Wednesday. ?

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Is it possible I ovulated on Tuesday?




  1. trust the fertility monitor more :) BBT is easier to not be as clear...

    so i'd go by the clear blue lh surge instead, you can also ask a doctor online for free for an opinion, try

    good luck!!

  2. I recommend trusting clearblue.

    I particularly like the digital clearblue ovulation test. It gives a happy face if lh surge is detected and an empty circle if it's not detected.

    Much easier than trying to determine of you have two blue lines. The digital clearblue ovulation kit runs abour $30 for 7 test strips at At Walmart it is $28

  3. Sometimes you will have a chart with a slow rise. So it would be hard to pin point. You could have also had delayed ovulation...which would trick the monitor. SO you could have geared up to ovulate...then didn't then it tried again later which would have given you your shift wed. Sorry that wasnt much help...maybe your batteries need changed in the thermometer.  

  4. trust the clear blue  

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