
Ovulation and period?

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If you are ovulating...

How many days until you get your period?




  1. Ovulation usually occurs during the middle of your menstrual cycle.  This is the time you are most fertile and definitely need to use protection to keep from becoming pregnant.  A woman menstruates every 28 days about, so After ovulation you have about 9-14 days to look forward to Auntie Flow.

  2. if you are right about when you are ovulating, you can pretty much expect your period in 14-16 days.  for me, i ovulate anywhere between days 12 and 16 of my cycle, but always have my period exactly 14 days after ovulation.

    ovulation occurs 14 days BEFORE your period, not AFTER.  this is a common misconception--many people think you ovulate 14 days after your period.  

  3. if you have a 28 day cycle, ovulation is usually about 14 days after you first get your period.  And you get your period about 14 days after you ovulate.
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