
Ovulation? help me I'm misunderstood........

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help me im clueless if i have a 28 day cycle and say i bought a ovulation kit and tested it and found out i ovulation say on day 14 if i wait for 24 hours after ovulation would that help me concieve a girl after all i been told to have s*x up to two days b4 ovulation and two days afterovulation or would it be too late, help im clueless but would like to concieve a girl after 3 boys even though i would be extremely happy with a nother boy so please don't think i only want to get pregnant o have a girl just want to try for a girl and we will love what ever s*x we get,after all it's a baby we want




  1. An egg can only live for 24 hours after ovulation, so if you wait that long to have s*x you will miss the window and not conceive at all. I've heard something like have s*x a day or two before ovulation for a girl because the Y sperms swim fast and for a short amount of time and the X sperms swim slower, but live longer. Good luck!

  2. they say if you want a boy, have s*x as close to ovulation as possible, for a girl, have s*x the day before ovulation.  to me it's a bunch of malarky..... it's 50/50 no matter how the ball bounces!

  3. Google the Shettles method.  Not sure if it works but it's worth a try.  basically according to his theory which seems like the only one that has good results, you need to BD 3-4 days BEFORE you ovulate.  I bought his book, How to choose the s*x of your baby. You should get that too.

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