
Ovulation kit and info

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i wanna use an ovulation kit

and i was wondering what the best on is...

and how accurate it is and if it worked for you.




  1. I tried the answer brand for two cycles and could not get a clear reading. I am moving on to a clearblue fertility monitor.  

  2. Hello, I have used two different types of OPK. The first I used I think was the First Response one. Anyway, I am not sure on the brand I just know it was a two line test. I did not like this test as it was difficult to tell when I was ovulating because there are always two lines you just have to judge by the darkness of them.  The other brand I used that I really liked was Clear Blue Easy DIGITAL ovulation test. I used this for the first time last cycle.  I liked these tests better because you get just an open circle when you are not ovulating and you get a smiley face when you are ovulating. I did get a smiley face and sure enough 24 hours later I felt ovulation pains. I did not conceive last cycle, but that can be due to many things. I do plan to purchase another kit for this cycle.  The only downfall is that it is a little expensive. The one I bought was from Walmart and it cost around $30.  Now to be sure on how they work, they DO NOT give you a positive when you are actually ovulating; instead they detect a surge in the LH hormone that occurs just before you ovulate. So when you get a positive ovulation reading it means you are likely to ovulate within the next 24 hours or so. I hope this helped and Baby Dust to you

  3. We conceived our first month using the OPK! we had tried for a while without it-- and without success. I think they're great!

    I think that they are very accurate.

    I used "answer", but I hear there is not too much difference in brands.

    check out:
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