
Ovulation or implantation?

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Is it possible to ovulate 17 days past your period? My period came July 1 and according to research we ovulate 14 days after the first day, right? I beleive I ovulated July 14 or 15 becuase of the eggwhite discharge I got.

Well, July 18 I had sharp pains in my lower abdomen like I normally get when I ovulate, but I got no pink/brown discharge. Which of the two could it have been?




  1. It is very possible to ovulate on cycle day 17. Ovulation does not always happen on the same cycle day each month. It is normal to ovulate earlier or later in any given cycle. Ovulation pains can be felt not only before and during ovulation, but also after ovulation has taken place. It is also possible to observe some egg white cervical mucus after ovulation. If you are positive ovulation has occurred, then you can consider yourself not fertile. If ovulation has not been confirmed, then you should consider yourself fertile.

    Implantation bleeding is said to be rare, but I sure hear about it happening a lot. You don't always, or have to, experience implantation bleeding to be pregnant. Implantation bleeding is normally pink or brown in color, and is very scant, and short lived. I personally think the experience varies from woman to woman and is unique for everyone. I've heard of some women who've had a pink, brown or bloody discharge, while others had noticed a single drop of blood. I also know someone who is currently pregnant, and had mistaken her implantation bleeding for a very light, and very short period. Most women are not even aware that implantation has taken place, but it is possible to feel some mild cramping.

    I think it could be either with you, but lets hope for the best :) Good luck to you!!!

  2. It is absolutely possible to ovulate 17 days after. That is the exact day i ovulated last month and i normally am 14 days. Just keep in mind though that a late ovulation usually will mean a late period. So if its a couple days late dont get to excited. Relax and take a test after your missed expected period. If it comes back negative and you still dont start then wait a couple more days and take another. Being that your ovulation is late, it will take a little longer for your body to produce enough hcg to be detected on a test. Good luck if you are ttc.

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