
Ovulation pains - help??

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This is confusing me something fierce, For those of you who have experience Ovulation pain and know what it is etc, can you have them over a few days or just 1?

the reason I ask is because I am currently cd15 and I thought I ovulated cd13 and had what felt like ovulation pains early in morning too and accompanies my temps which dipped that day and spiked the next, but on cd14 and today cd15 I also have had the same lil pains so should I mark it on my chart as ovulation pain or cramps or leave it? I thought you would only get ovulation pains once, but to have 3 lots over 3 days this is just weird. any help would be appreciated.

and had tiny pink spotting yesterday on cd14 as well. This is just weird and I don't know whether I truly ovulated or not. Any charters out there have a clue?

Also on Metformin 1500mg & Clomid 100mg cd3-7




  1. When ever I have had ovulation pains it has been for a few days before (like a dull ache) then on the day of ovulation it gets sharper, then usually nothing. But I guess where a follicle ripens from and the egg comes out of, it leaves a hole on your ovary which becomes the corpus luteum cyst (responsible for the rise in progesterone and if you get pregnant, keeping the pregnancy viable to a certain degree) and sometimes cysts can ache too, so maybe that is the problem?? not exactly sure Hun.

  2. This last month, i had 'ovulation pains', for over a week straight. I am presuming they were ovulation pains' they felt very similar to period pains, They started around CD 12 and kept going til around CD24. It went on for ages and ages.

    I thought i might have been pregnant but nope, AF came a day early. Im wondering if i had the pains for so long, purely because i was looking for signs and really paying attention to my body.

    Having said all of that, its very possible to feel ovulation pains for more than one day, and its also possible to get light spotting due to ovulation.

    Hope you get your BFP if you are trying!!!

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