
Ovulation possibilities long period (2 weeks)??

by  |  earlier

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I had a period on the 26th and it lasted until august 8th, between the 14th and the 21st is that when I would be fertile?? Usually do have 28 day cycles, but this one was thrown off, havent had a period yet, just wondering on if that would throw my chances off or if they would be the same




  1. you should try the ovulation tests that you can buy at any pharmacy or store. that way you will know for sure! hope that helps

  2. It doesn't matter what day you stop your period only the day it starts,  see the first link for an explanation on why

    day one is the first day of your period

    you ovulate 14 days before your next period

    if you have a 28 day cycle and started on the 26th you would have been fertile on or around the 9th not the 14th of august

    you would have ovulated around the 12 of july

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