
Ovulation predictor kits or body symptoms, which one would you follow? Cont.........?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry peeps forgot to mention that im not obsessing over this by the way, ive had an implant taken out and for the last 4 months my cycles all over the place so instead of knackering myself and my husband out......hahaha!!! were getting help from the ovulation kits to help give us a rough idea when i am ovulating.




  1. OPK's are great - I always went by OPK's and body signs, such as cervical mucus and ovary pains.  The tests are quite cheap when bought in bulk from the internet.  And I have to add they are very accurate - they worked for me, I am now 7 weeks pregnant!

  2. Anything is worth a try  

  3. opk's are very helpful so you should def. take those! you can do bbt charts too, it takes a few months for you cycles to get regulated and you can also talk to your doctor about getting meds to regulate it, you can also ask a fertility specialist online for free for advice and find more info about this, try

    good luck!!

  4. Don't waste your money, like you say you will start getting obsessive about it, then you will get stressed when you don't fall straight away which won't help. Just relax and enjoy trying. Good luck.

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