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when does a women know she is ovulating to better her chances at falling pregnant




  1. it doesnt matter the length of your cycle you will usually ovulate exactly 14 days before your expected period, eg- i have a 33 day cycle so i ovulate on CD19.. But if you dont have a regular cycle or have just come off the pill and dont know your cycle yet, you can use OPK's- ovulation predictor kits.. and you can sometimes judge by your cervical mucus.. Good luck and baby dust to us  

  2. There are certain things that you look for. Unusual discharge and other things. I found this article on webmd. Hope it helps.

    PS The easiest way is to just buy an ovulation test kit. I think you just pee on the stick and it tells you if your ovulating close to it or not.

    Good Luck!

  3. Check for a mucus discharge. Once it starts to get thick and white (as someone else described so perfectly, like lotion), then get ready and start checking every day (every 12 hours if you want to be anal about it) and once it turns clear and thinner (think egg whites, snot, male ejaculate) then you need to "do the deed".

  4. cramping sharp pain where overies are only on one side ewcm this will all happen middle of your cycle

  5. visit for tips on that.

  6. theres a few ways!!

    your basel temp

    ovulation tests

    changes in your cm

    feel certain cramps

    and remember, not all women ov on cd 14, its bull, i ov on cd 18 to 20!!! im also ttc, so baby dust to us!!
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