
Ovulation question... easy points?

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OKay so i have a 27 day cycle and i went on a website to se when i m ovulating and it said 16th - 20th so I Baby danced yesterday two nights before that.. hopefully tonight.. if i do that, do i have a good chance .. Iam on my 10th month TTC soo i dont want to get my hopes up.. i got preggo three years ago this months, i hope this is my lucky month.. wish me luck and please tell me any suggestions that i can get pregnant easier




  1. staying on your back with your hips popped up after bd can help the sperm stay in longer  

  2. best be BDing tomorrow for sure and probably again on the 20th if you can manage it!!  

  3. Good luck! Sounds like you should do the deed for the next couple days to make sure.

  4. I would BD tonight, tomorrow and definitely can't hurt.  I would say in the future, get some OPK's, so you can pinpoint ovulation better, that way you can start BD a couple days prior to ovulation and the days of ovulation.  Good luck...I hope this is your month for the BFP!!!

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