
Ovulation schedules...?

by  |  earlier

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Here's a little back ground on my situation ---

My last period (7-13/7-17) was the first period since a miscarriage in June. My cycles used to be 32 days w/ 18 day luteal phase. but since I had the miscarriage I wasn't sure if they would be the same. So I went to an OV calculator I told them I had a 32 day cycle and they gave me OV dates of 29-31.

Taking ovulation tests gave me 28-1st so they are pretty much the same so I expected my period after the 32 day mark well I didn't get another period until day 40. Which was weird. since I ovulated kinda early.

So my next period was 8-22/8-27

And my question is should I expect ovulation around the schedule of a 32 day cycle or ovulation on a schedule of a 40 day cycle?

I am charting but this is my first month so I want to know when to plan intercourse hopefully we get it!

Thanks && Good luck to all TTC




  1. Honestly, you don't have a "normal schedule/cycle" right now because of the miscarriage so there is no way to tell.  The best thing for you to do is use opk's and in combination with charting you will be able to pinpoint ovulation.  There is still no telling how long you can expect your luteal phase to be.  Opk's will give you the heads up that ovulation "should" be coming, and by temping, if you get a big spike within a few days of the +opk, then you KNOW you ovulated for sure.  It's a win win as far as I'm concerned.  It took 3 months for my cycles to regulate after my miscarriage in March, so by charting for sure, you will have a more clear picture and see it start to fall back in line!!

  2. wow thats confusing... i would try during both just to be safe ;o)  Good Luck!

  3. Wow, that is a confusing one.  I also miscarried, but in May, and am now trying again.  My cycle did something similar- I went from a consistent 28, maybe 29 day cycle to a new 32 day cycle.

    My plan is to use ovulation sticks and try every other day so there are always boys waiting for the egg!!  

    Good luck!

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