
Ovulation tests???......?

by  |  earlier

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can you buy saliva ovulation tests from the chemist if so how much are they? and if anyone has used one how good are they??




  1. You can get them from and they are alot cheaper than the other ones.

  2. I've seen them at the drugstore, but is is a little microscope not test strips. the test strips you test on urine. I've only used the peesticks and they are working for me

  3. hi, I bought one off the internet and to be honest I couldn't really tell what I was supposed to be looking for. The instructions were clear but the area for the saliva was tiny and the light that you're supposed to shine behind it was so bright I couldn't see the patterns at all. I wasn't too impressed with mine. I also used ovulation strips which detected nothing at all for me but did manage to identify temperature surge which is a sign of ovulation using a cyclotest monitor. (Basal Body Temp) The temperature surge worked for me, I'm now about 7 weeks. Hope that helps.

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