I never put too much weight into dreams...but I keep having one that just confuses me.
I walk out my front door, and there's a semi-circle of Owls in the front yard. Towards my front step there is a baby hawk. He's probably just old enough to have been on his own for a few months but still he's small.
Suddenly, all the owls fly forward and start attacking the baby hawk, and I run down and pick him up. All the owls fly up and start flying around me. None of them bite me, but they're all diving at the hawk and trying to pull him away by his feathers, and he's screaming and I'm swatting at the owls. But it seems the more I swat at these owls, the angrier and more determined they get to hurt the baby hawk.
I've looked it up and all I've found is that owls represent wisdom, and hawks represent...like strength or something.
Nothing about hawks being attacked by owls.