In spring of 2007 friends of ours offered my fiance a job in their company. Then they asked me to come to their company, which i agreed to. Turns out they were in financial ruin. We stayed w/ my mother since we had moved back to CA for this job. The owner of the company (our friend) asked us when we were getting a place of our own since my mother lived in a complex that she managed on top of owning this company. We told her because her company could not pay us on time or in full ever, we could not afford a place right now. A month later, she shows us an empty apartment and says, here is your new place. She never gave us a lease, nothing in writing, no rental agreement. The owner of the complex found out 6 mos. later that there was an open unpaid apt. Around the time that we quit due to nonpayment of salary, and were on bad terms w/ our "landlord" and previous boss. now she told the owner that we had a verbal agreement and the owner is suing us for back rent. But we had NO agreement.