
Owners of horse put down at Kentucky Derby?

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Anyone know more about the Jockey and owners of the Horse that was euthinized on the track after the race? My boys and I felt so bad for them. It was a beautiful horse one minute and then they lost him 3 min later. SO SAD. Our heart goes out to them.




  1. One of the "connections" posts at a fourm that I know of, and all of them are heartbroken to the extreme.   They are planning to use cremation and place the ashes at a mormoral.

  2. Eight Bells was a beautiful horse,I watched it and could not believe my eyes, also the horse was a filly the only female running in the race.

  3. ibbibud...They did not race her in 2 races in 2 days. They entered her in both the Oaks and the Derby that way they could pick which one they wanted to run her in. She was only run in the Derby.

  4. Richard Porter was the owner of Eight Belles. Larry Jones was the trainer. Ramon Dominguez was the angry midget that whipped Eight Belles furiously for 2 minutes.  It was Richard Porter's decision to run this filly against male horses that are bred for that level of speed. This beautiful filly gave everything she had to compensate for her natural disadvantage and it cost her her life. Richard Porter is just as guilty of animal abuse as Michael Vick. Rich people with big hats wagering millions of dollars on animals in a dangerous competition just makes me sick. I hope Richard Porter burns in h**l.

    Horse racing is animal abuse! Stop supporting it.

  5. Well the owners have to pay for putting her down

    and I hope all Jockeys don;t get hurt

    They have insurance

    But the track will take bold from the dead horse do some tests then haul her off to a dump and or the owner might want her buried somewhere different

    I have had one break down

    He was a 4 yr old first time starter I wit until he was full grown

    He broke his small hind pastern Thats like 1 billion to one that happens

    He did it at the 3/4 pole still finished first and got the fastest time of the day

    Just a freak accident ..


    Anyway the owner will have to pay ...for all expenses

  6. Making a wrong decision about your horse is soul wrenching. But you don't know it's the wrong choice until something horrific goes wrong. In this sport, it's all about pushing the envelope. The costs of racing are huge from the outset and there's enormous pressure to get money earners on the track as soon as possible. Somebody obviously felt it was okay to put her in two races in two days, they thought she could handle it, and if Big Brown wasn't what he was, she would have won. I imagine everyone involved with this mare is having a very bad time of it.

  7. Richard Porter. I heard on the local news station this morning that he lives in Hobe Sound, Fl. This was a very saddening story. My heart really does go out, especially to the horse. I have a 23 year old T.B. that is a retired racer.

  8. I'd google "Eight Bells." That was the name of the horse.

    Heres my opinon otherwise~

    People just sit with their money and their stupid fluffy hats with bouncing sh*t coming out of the top and dont realize what the horses are being put through! I didnt make it to the television in time but when i found out this morning i was heartbroken. Its so sad how people put young horses in like that for MONEY. Its really depressing. I would be so mordified if my favorite horse on this planet was put into a big shindig like that and had to be put down for breaking to ankles.

    I'll pray for Eight Bells.

  9. What a tragedy. I wonder how she would have faired had she just ran in the Oaks as planned instead of the very intense race of the Derby.

    These horses are born to race. Owners and Trainers know if they can do it or not. It's in their blood. The horses are so incredibly spoiled and very well taken care of. Hence the millions of dollars that go into the owners and trainers pockets.

    Bless Eight Belles and all who loved her dearly. She will always be remembered.

  10. i think i speak for everyone when i say our hearts go out to them, i feel so bad. i cried for about an hour. and now, even talking about it i have tears in my eyes. the horse broke two of its feet ( front ) and could not be helped. they did as much as they could. i will always remeber what happend and will never think if the kentucky derby the same way.

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