
Oww who's going to win the premiership?

by  |  earlier

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a) chelsea

b) i am foreign i do not understand your question so will give a wrong answer




  1. C) I don't really care

  2. A) hands down Chelsea will win the Premiership and the Champions League titles! Go TRUE-BLUE!

  3. Let me spell it out...

    A R S E N A L.

  4. 1)west ham 110pts

    2)arsenal 91pts

    3)man u 89pts

    4)liverpool 83pts

    18)stoke 31pts

    19)hull 26pts

    20)chelsea 3pts

  5. man u or chelsea.....

  6. i think..


    Manchester United



    have a chance to win...

    lets see who plays their cards right!

  7. As long as MANCHEATER utd don,t who cares? it will mean our game has overcome the cheating., which can surely only be good for the game in England.


  8. It'll be between Man Utd and Chelsea.

  9. Chelsea ofcourse :)

  10. Liverpool, this is our season!

  11. Arsenal all the way

  12. This is liverpools best chance

  13. You don't need to ask.

    Chelsea will win it in style.

  14. I hope Arsenal, but i believe Chelsea.

  15. Its a 3 horse race at th moment Arsenal,Chelsea and Liverpool both with 3 points

    Man Utd with 1 point

    it could be close!

  16. LMFAO!!!

    C) I'm am a Foreigner and i understand that Chelsea will win it all.


    (my fantasy league best player he he he for this week anyways)

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