
Oxford University?????????? Best Answer 10 points!!!!!!!!!!?

by Guest67048  |  earlier

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Does anyone know what the tuition/fee is for going to Oxford University? Please answer in both Pounds & Dollars. I need to know this ASAP. Thanks, this will be very helpful in a couple of years.

Do any of you know some other__________ colleges?


culinary/pastry chef


computer programmer

Also, what does Oxford University allow you to become, like is it if you want a degree in writing or computer programmer?

Thnx Again!!! :D




  1. Well, Oxford university as you know is a top university. It is compared to Harvard, Yale and Princeton. I have researched a lot about Oxford because I too wanted to go there. The tution is 10,500 pounds  and 12, 140 pounds if you live in private accomidations. Oxford university does have a good culinary school But not as good as pretty much all the pastries schools in France. However, if you want to be an author Oxford is definetly the choice. But Oxford takes the top students and if you are an international student it is even harder to get in you have to be a completely all round student. But keep your hopes up, theres a very good chance you will get into the school.  And Oxford University lets you become whatever you want basically once you get into the school a whole knew life for oppurtunities is awaiting for you. Good Luck and i really hope you make it into the school

  2. Because it uses a collegiate system, Oxford University charges both a tuition fee and a college fee.  When I was there a couple of years ago the tuition fee per year was around £10,000 ($20,000) and the college fee £6000 ($12,000).  It will have undoubtedly gone up by now and I would recommend that you email the bursars of some of the colleges you're interested in as they may be able to provide you with the current figures and possibly the projected fees for a few years time.  

    I have to admit though, I'm not entirely convinced that you've grasped what Oxford University is.  It's a world class university on a par with Harvard, Yale and other such institutions where some of the world's top academics study and teach.  Therefore, it's based around academic subjects such as maths, history, politics and economics.  You most certainly can't go there to study cookery or computer programming; no such courses exist there.  People who go to Oxford go on to become things such as lawyers, politicians, investment bankers, management consultants and doctors.  Looking at the jobs/areas interested in I think you would perhaps do better spending your money on a university which is far more suited to those areas.

  3. YOU??!! OXFORD! joking son more like OLDHAM sunshine.

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