
Oxidize vs Reduce?

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What does it mean if an element is oxidized or reduced?




  1. Oxidation-Reduction

    Oxidation of an organic molecules occurs when it gains oxygen or loses hydrogen(dehydrogenation). The molecules, an electron acceptor is called the oxidizing agent. It becomes reduced.

    Reduction is the gain of hydrogen (hydrogenation) or lost of oxygen by an organic compound. The organic molecule, an electron donor, is called the reducing agent. When the reducing agents donate their electrons they become oxidized.

    The two processes always occur simultaneously.

  2. If it's oxidised, the element gains oxygen atoms in the reaction.

    If it's reduced, the element loses oxygen atoms in the reaction.

  3. Oxidation can mean:

    • Gain of oxygen atoms

    • Loss of hydrogen atoms

    • Increase in ionic charge

    • Decrease in electron density

    This may be summarized as Increase in Oxidation State

    Reduction can mean:

    • Gain of hydrogen atoms

    • Loss of oxygen atoms

    • Decrease in ionic charge

    • Increase in electron density

    This may be summarized as Decrease in Oxidation State.

    For example, when sodium and chlorine react, the ionic compound NaCl is formed in which Na has a +1 charge and Cl has a -1 charge. Therefore, Na is oxidized and Cl is reduced. The reverse reaction, which can be forced by electrolysis, involves reduction of Na+ and oxidation of Cl-.

  4. Uh, no, it actually means they gain or lose electrons.

    Remember OIL RIG or LEO goes GER..

    OIL = Oxidized Is Lose

    RIG = Reduced Is Gain

    LEO = Lose Electrons Oxidized

    GER = Gain Electrons Reduced
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