
Oxy Info... Can you help please?

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I have an employee who recently got out of his inpatient rehab for his Oxy addiction. He took 2 weeks after he got out to get situated because he had to move and follow up with his divorce etc. Today is his first day back at work and he saying he is feeling sick and nauseous… Do you think he could possibly be using again and if so, how long does it stay in your system so we can make sure to get the best drug test results?? Any advice?




  1. I don;t think he would be puking if he was still using,generally he would be feeling better, now if he;s in withdrawal he would be spewing from both ends llol this is usually the way it works unless he took too many and got nauseous,just watch him if he acts like he has a lot of energy like he did before rehab then he;s likely using,if he is still clean he should still be feeling really tired and depressed, it differs from person to person and how much he used, he cuold be innocent!! hide and watch.

    good luck

  2. Those feelings only last 48 - 72 hours after your last dose.  He could be coming to work "high" -- the only way to find out would be to (you know) drug test him.

    Then again, he might just be feeling sick and nauseous.

  3. both--my hubbys was highly add. to that. it took him 8 weeks to stop pukin-he had holes in his stomach from them n acid flows n they puke. his bodys probly goin thru alot. but if hes on them again he'll be back to the start line. theres nothing u can do-he has to do it.

    good luck

  4. I work for a psychology office and we deal with a lot of patients with drugs addictions.  I know that when they are in the process of quiting they often get sick and throw up.  That is because there body isn't used to not having the drugs in there system anymore.

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