
Oxycodone 10 325 for my back surgery?

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My doc changed my dosage of oxycodone from 7.5 500 to 10 325. I just took 2. I was taking two with the others, wondering if the 10;s will knock me out. Do not know why he changed the strength.




  1. It is possible that you will notice more of the side effects from the oxycodone with the increased dose, including increased drowsiness.  However, many people who have pain requiring this dose, do not notice the drowsiness as much as the increase in pain control.  The 5 mg increase should not be overwhelming at that dose, unless you were already very drowsy at the previous dose.

    As one responder mentioned, it is safer to decrease your acetaminophen intake by decreasing to the 325 dose, as the other 10 mg oxycodone contains 650 mg of acetaminophen, and is normally used when a patient is taking only one tablet at a time.

    EDIT:  While I admire Dynodyck's passion, I can say that if your physician has you on 20 mg of oxycodone at a time to control your pain, then if you respond in a manner consistent with most patients, you would require 30 mg of hydrocodone per dose to control your same symptoms.  Then instead of 500 mg of the liver issues related to acetaminophen he is so concerned about, you would have to take 750 mg.

    Also, it has been suggested that if acetyl salicylic acid or aspirin had been introduced today, it would likely not be allowed on the market after FDA evaluation due to it's safety issues.  It is an over-the counter product simply by virtue of having always been there, and not being a significant enough issue to warrant removing it from the market.

    Though I must say, I do enjoy reading his answers.  And he is correct in being concerned about the potential for dependence and addiction in  any patient prescribed opiate medications.  He does understand the significant issues this use can cause.  Many patients have been harmed and had long term problems, financial ruin or even death as a result of improper prescribing of pain medications.  I hope that he continues to voice his concern about the hazards of opiate use.

    Though, I doubt you would be able to recover from your spinal surgery as quickly without proper pain control, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (including aspirin) can inhibit fusion in patients who have had spinal surgery, so I don't think he should give medication advice, without knowing the particulars of your procedure.

  2. he changed it because you were getting too much tylenol. the 500 in the 7.5/500 is the amt of tylenol to the amt of oxycodone ( 7.5). Now you are getting 10mg of oxycodone and 325mg of tylenol, which is the amt of one regular tylenol.  

  3. Well considering the last two answers. Tylenol considerations etc, why don't you ask him at  the same time ask him you heard even though Oxycodone is more intoxicating Hydrocodone hits more receptor splices perhaps providing more analgesia than Oxycodone and tell him you also heard Oxycodone is just a lousy inefficient drug that doesn't last as long as Hydrocodone. And ask why he put you on this in the first place? Does he not care if you develop a mental addiction "Thus" A mental craving before you want pain relief. Does he want you to become a "Drug Seeker?"  So when you run out because you will burn them up, (You cannot take Oxycodone as prescribed, well 99.9 percent of the world ) his nurse with a bozo two year course can lecture you when she never took a pain-pill in her life?

    You'll be chasing blood levels to keep your mood in check before you know it. Say something like; "Your 7 year old niece had back surgery and was only given "St. Joseph's Baby Aspirin" for the pain and she was jogging in a week.

    And ask him why Aspirin over the years is being demonized and you want Percodan. Tylenol although hailed by the medical community is just out-right lousy on the liver. And maybe the cyanide-Chicago incident was a cry for people to save their livers. just heard that was a rumour.

    And you would sooner deal with an ulcer than a liver transplant.

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