to make a long story short, i have a broken bone in my back and get oxycodone 15 mg. at the doctor 1 time per month. i usually go to walgreen and had been getting little light green colored pills made by 'actavis'. however, last month they claimed they took them off the market and gave me yellow ones made by 'ethex'. However, those do NOT work.
**Question, is there any other manufacturer of oxycodone 15 mg. (besides ethex) in the tucson, az area that I can try to find this oxycodone 15 mg for the pain** please no hate or mean emails. i get it prescribebed my my regular pain physician and i really do have a broken back and i am literally in severe pain and just want to be as pain free (as possible, close to it anyway). i live in zip code 85712, tucson, az. please any help with a pharmacy would be great. i am looking for 'legitimate' information.