
Oxycontin or Oxycodone?

by Guest64435  |  earlier

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I went back to my pain clinic today as I am still suffering chronic back pain after 4 years. I have been taking vicodin for most of this time, but last time I went, my doctor put me on oxycodone as the vicodin really doesnt touch the pain anymore. I have taken up to 12 10/325 vicodins in 24 hours and have still been in considerable pain so we tried the oxycodone. I found that this did a little more relief, as long as I was sat or lay still, but as soon as I got up and moved around, the pain would return instantly. I told him this today and he suggested Oxycontin, but I've heard so many negative reports about it, that I refused and stuck with oxycodone.

Would the Oxycontin be a better choice? I know it is the same medication, it is just that Oxycontin is time released. How does methadone compare to oxy? I know they are all serious drugs and the chances of addiction are extremely high, but as you can imagine, I also need some serious pain relief. After 4 years, you start to wonder if addiction is a small price to pay. If a remedy is found to fix my back, I know the doctors can wean you off any meds, but what should I do now?




  1. for one thing vicodin has acetaminaphan in it which it tylonol. you should of only been take 6 tablets a day at the most. oxycontin and oxycodone is the same thing. its coden with acetaminaphen . and knowing that you were taking that much vicodin. oxycodone might help but not for long.

  2. I've been to rehab (still sober) and seen so many people there for oxy's.  They are equally potent and addictive.  Any addict can tell you that all you have to do to break the time release is break the pill in half.  This works with most pills including Vicodin.  

    Methadone is for weaning junkies off dope- don't touch it.

      As for the rest of it, just be careful, and know that you are at a huge risk.  Stick with your Dr.'s guidance- hopefully they have your best interest at heart.  I hope you feel better!

    The optimal solution is to stay out of pain while staying aware.

  3. heck no i would not takeOxycontin'ss they are all over the news as bad news........ you take the oxycodone with out the tylenol in it? when i had to take pain meds ipreferr the oxycodone with the tylenol which is percocet.. idon'tt take pain meds i did after my surgery though and heck with that very addictive i am sure u are already addicted after taking for so long and so many a day... good luck

  4. you are right about the codone/contin difference. The reason he left you on the codone as opposed to the contin is just that you feel more comfortable with it. That is a lot of vicodin you were taking, but with the mg's of acetominephen in them (325) you were just at the daily limit.

    Methodone is a powerful painkiller, but it is used to help heroin addicts to kick their habit. The effects of it are not like taking heroin, ie, you won't get the "high" from it, but it helps alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal from heroin, Therefore, it is not, as one person says, something for junkies to get high on. All of these medications are of the same class of drugs, opiates, and they can all be abused and are all addictive. As long as you are monitored by your doctor, he will be able to wean you off them when the time is right.

    By the sound of your pain, I personally think that oxycodone is the better choice as it 's effects are felt quicker and you can take a little extra occasionally should it feel like it's needed, but oxycontin is time- released, they are usually 12 hour tablets, and you should'nt take more than is prescribed to you at any time.

    I hope this answers your question, it can be frustrating and dangerous to take advice from unqualified people when it comes to medications, especially narcotic painkillers.

    If you have any doubts as to what I have told you, speak to your doctor or a certified pharmacist, not a pharmacy technician. They seem to think they are qualified and have more knowledge than they actually do.

    Good luck to you, I hope you are able to gain control of your pain, you will notice a huge difference in the quality of your life

  5. I was prescribed Oxycodone when I had my wisdom teeth taken out.. and it worked great, no pain, no addiction.

  6. From my personal experience, they are all narcotics.  The risk of dependency does go up with stronger meds.  After you years of taking this stuff you are in some way addicted.  

    Make sure you are treating pain with all options: Ice, TENS unit, creams, shots.  Capsacian is a wierd one that works.  Google it.  

    Not sure what is causing your pain but Oxycontin is heavy stuff.  If it is really that bad, then you are a likely candidate for surgery.  Start looking at that option as well.  

  7. I know but...  

    So  what exactly is your question. extended release or not?  Are you worried about addiction or do want to know if Oxycontin would work better?  I think if you don't snort Oxycontin or shoot it up, don't see the difference in taking percocet.  Do you have a question?

    the non extended release is the same drug except in lower dosage and will hit you faster than Oxycontin.

    It's kind of like the difference between liquid gel aleve and maximum strength regular Aleve... that's why your question is confusing.

    And ETH..... so your oxycodone doesn't have anything else in it..... SO WOULDN'T THAT MAKE WHAT YOUR TAKING RIGHT NOW MORE ADDITIVE? IS THIS SOME KIND OF RIDDLE?

    If you can't take my word for it talk to your doctor about it, there is no possible way for Oxycontin to be any more addicting, than what your taking now. It's just people are more familiar with Oxycontin addiction... but really what your taking right now has more potential for abuse.

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