
P.C gone too far now?

by Guest44942  |  earlier

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do you think the new law giving preference for jobs to women, disabled coloured elderly etc is just taking political correctness too far now..i do agree with equality in the workplace but giving a job to someone just because of gender or colour is surely wrong..i know they say it will only occur when two people have the same qualifications and experience but surely that is biased against people who don't fit into the above catgegories




  1. PC has been over the top since the early 80's. It is indeed a form of discrimination and govt sponsored. That's why there has been some success in law suits filed on reverse discrimination. Liberals are a disease, a blight on this country and responsible for pc. They must be stopped before all goes to sh--.

  2. men, women colored, should be chosen on there merits, without favor,   and i would like to see the disabled get a better chance in the workplace.

    some down syndrome patents are extremal intelligent

  3. yr spot on hunny, it is madness !!! if i remember rightly,which i dont hee hee ! , it was the labour party that introduced it ! they meant well because ethnic minorities weren't getting the same job offers and there were very little non white faces in our public services, police, politicians and the like !!! racism is a disease and it won't be beaten with positive discrimination, which is in effect a form of racism too !! it makes the politicians job easier if we all fit into nice wee pigeonholes. anyhoos, p.c , has been taken too far....when does it stop ?!?  see the "black militant" on "balls of steel" !!! brilliant !!! " i may not agree with what you have to say but i will fight to the death for your right to say it" some words from Voltaire....i'm sure they are anyhoos !!! we badly need a revolution of some sort...put the kids in charge...worth a try given the politicians we have!  hee hee !!!

  4. This sort of law is all well and fine but what it is really doing is discriminating against all those who dont fit into their neat little cubby holes

    How can anyone  support a  law that gives preference to some groups but discriminates against other groups

    Government sponsored discrimination

  5. Yes. It's like everything else. Started out for a good cause then went ridiculous

  6. way to far...i mean womens rights and chinese pop culture are the two biggest jokes
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