
P.E.I. destinations?

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My family and I are planning to visit P.E.I. duriong this month or the next. We are planning to drive along Anne's Land and we need to know destinations to visit. we need advice on hotels to stay at, beaches and other sights and destinations to visit. Please help!




  1. When you get to PEI, stop at a Visitor Information Centre. You can get tons of free maps and info, and find out what local events are going on.

    Some musts are the beach at Cavendish (which is in the national park) and a drive along the shore from Cavendish to North Rustico and then again from Brackley to Cavendish. Plan a picnic along the shore and visit a lighthouse.

    Cavendish is fairly touristy - there's a small amusement park called Sandspit, the Cavendish Boardwalk has lots of shops, there's the Green Gables house and quite a few Anne attractions. Really, it is all along the road and it is a small town so just drive through and see what interests you.

    I have two favourite ice cream places I always recommend. The first is Cow's ice cream, which has several locations, one of which is on the Cavendish boardwalk. The other is Frosty Treat which is in Kensington... very worth the trip, and right next to part of the Confederation Trail so you can burn off some of those calories.

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