
PANCAKES!!!! <span title="YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Whats your fave kind?

I like blueberry.




  1. chocolate chip and thats it. with fake maple syrup and butter. YUM!

  2. I like chocolate chip pancakes. I love chocolate! Hope you like my opinion. And, I&#039;ve never tried blueberry, but it looks good!

  3. I love blueberry pancakes too. They are my favorite. I also really like chocolate chip pancakes.

  4. i love blueberry.thats all i eat...

  5. chocolate chip

  6. Blueberry

  7. buttermilk, blueberry and chocolate chip!

  8. plain, then dressed with a home made topping of warm strawberries and blueberries

  9. crepes.

    mmmm :)

    had them this morning

  10. Whole wheat. I made them this morning with strawberry-honey compote. Yum-yummmm!

  11. Banana




  12. I like blueberry,strawberry, regular,chocolate,and fluffy

  13. Buttermilk Hungry Jack. Now I&#039;m about to go make me some. I don&#039;t care if it&#039;s 10:08 PM.

  14. Amber, I LOVE CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES!!!! ...LOL they r my favorite... with a nice glass of milk.....i actually want one buts its 11:00pm....

  15. tons of milk chocolate chips! yummmmmmy

  16. Buttermilk with real maple syrup  

  17. Fluffy buttermilk pancakes with lots of butter and maple syrup.

    Oh, yeah and a big glass of ice cold milk

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