
PAP was NEG for cancer; still need colposcopy? HELP?

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I am stressing. I don't know what any of this means. I got my PAP results back. They were NEG for cancer, however abnormal cells were noted. The doctor recommends a colposcopy. What could the possible reasons be (worst to best?) What will happen? Should I schedule? Should I calm down? Please help :(

During my PAP I did bleed.

I have had all three Gardisil shots.




  1. You should definitely schedule. I have had two procedures for removing abnormal cells, a cryotherapy in 1992 and a LEEP in 1998. Right now your cells are just showing changes that need monitoring. When they do the colposcopy, if they see areas that require a closer look, they will do a biopsy. It is always best to take charge of your health and have things monitored before they become larger problems. I would most likely not be here now if not for the treatments I have had done, and I have six kids so I have alot to live for! I am going to include some links for you to explain the colposcopy procedure, it also gives you a picture of the colposcope. The colposcope is not inserted, you will just have a speculum like at a regular doctor visit.

  2. A colposcopy is a procedure to help diagnose abnormal cells. Abnormal cells mean that there is a change on your cervix. Abnormal cells can range from slight changes to high changes on your cervix. Most changes are from HPV or depending on your age... many young women have changes on their cervix that will go away on there own.

    The colopscopy will help to diagnose whether these cells changes are high grade or not. If these changes are high grade they will need to be removed and your doctor will discuss with you how he would do this. When a colposcopy is done it starts out exactly like a pap test... and once the speculum is in place... then they put a dye on you cervix and if the cells change color then they are may be considered pre-cancerous and need to be removed.

    If you have had abnormal cells it is very important that you go and get this look at because if it is left alone and not dealt with you could end up with cervical cancer.  

  3. I had a colposcopy done; however, they didn't seem to think it was necessary to biopsy the cervix so I don't know what that part is like. I had a pap and there were abnormal cells, so I got another pap and there were more abnormal cells noted. This is when I was referred for a colposcopy. My experience was different though, because there was a med student in the room, and they had a bright light and a microscope-type thing that displayed a picture of my cervix on a TV. Being a nursing student, I thought that was pretty rad and it was very interesting.. But they didn't end up taking a sample. I think it's really important that you go have this done, because it's a great way to prevent any spread of disease. Good luck.

  4. you should calm down. it means you have abnormal cells, the colpo will take a sample of the cells and send them off for further analysis. Most often these abnormal cells will resolve on their own, just be sure to get paps as your Dr recommends.  

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