
PARANORMALCY : is exactly what ? Indeed is it a Science or Else ?

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PARANORMALCY : is exactly what ? Indeed is it a Science or Else ?




  1. Do you mean: ghosts, aliens, crop circles, etc.? It isn't science, its fake. No such thing as ghosts, and aliens haven't been visiting Earth.  

  2. of or pertaining to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena...GHOOOOOOOOSSTTTTTTTTSSSSS lmao

  3. We all as Human of Date, one amongst many other billions of species, are extant of "BODY : MIND : SOUL"

    BODY is the heredity wealth being passed to us as the Genetic Stock from the linage of our fore-parents.

    SOUL is the transcendental treasure been evolved as a complimentary Energy Source as a "Quantum Creative Act"

    MIND is the process where the Soul transfers its inherent worth & values called as Energy into the Energy that the BODY can assimilate to its needs & neccessities, hence we address the Working of Soul as The SPIRIT Of SOUL ~

    'SPIRIT' is the Energy Of The SOUl that gives a meaning to its existence".

    BIRTH & DEATH is nothing but a Quantum Creative ACT, where the Consciousness Co-Exist with the physical -body to witness and manifest its completion of the incomplete Mission of each and every Birth it had Co-existed in the past, and since then have been re-incarnated as an Evolved Being. AS SUCH, on being this account of completing the incomplete Mission... the SOUL co-exist back with the Quantum Energy in the Space. as MOKSH / Discarnation.

    ALL is nothing , but a QUANTUM CREATIVE ACT that rules the EXISTENCE of ALL the CHANGES : HAPPENINGS : CIRCUMSTANCES ; PANDETERMINATIONS through out the text & texture of the Universe, at large called as SPACE & MATTER.

    ALL said is an esoteric subject of /by/for Arcane Prudence, not within the scope and measure of a person below the qualification of post-graduate/Phd in domain of Astronomy OR Space'Science... especially having the enhancity of Knowledge in the field of Quantum Chromodynamics OR PiezoPhotonics OR Beyond to be honourably callled and addressed with reverence as "ASTRAL SCIENCE"

    O" Divine...

    Just a One word question "Paranormalcy', but to answer the same with an ontological perspectives... it would involve the entire domain of Knowledge to be explored by the Product Trinity at its Work in the Divine'Workshop of Cosmos.

    Laconically, the Cosmic format is the Reticulum 'web-like reticulation' that binds and weaves all of Cosmos in strands of 'Vibrational Energy' which we generally call it CONSCIOUSNESS.

    Within the purview of this Vibrational Energy been guaged and guided by the Seven dinstinct Rays... We humans are generally attuned to see only the Visible Light Rays of these 'Vibrational Energy', which is a composite of the Photons... in part, as been understood by us in language of Colours. Similarly, few are attuned to see below this Visible Rays in filed of Infra-red Rays... aliking many animals, who can see in dark i.e. at Night Time. There are Others also who are attuned to see beyond this Visible Rays of average frequency, in the field of Ultra-voilet Rays...

    Now, to be in pertinent to your Q' ... please note that all that has been Named and Mentioned in a format of Words, all does exsits. In simple language, All that has a name & been mentioned anywhere / anytime it does exist as a extant, but our perceptive Concepts or conceptive Percepts are at mercy of our so-said attunement to gain an "Objective Knowledge for the so-said Subjective Entity". Unless until, we in question are not attuned within ourselves, to see an object of concern with our perceptive tool [eyes], till then all said & learnt is in soup of qualm & quandry.

    To witness a Paranormalcy, the concerned one must be attuned to that Vibrational Energy that rules the existence of the postion that is Beyond (Para) the Normal... as an Extant, then only the seer would claim within self to declare that...

        " YES...!  Paranormalcy are REAL" only for those selected few , who are indeed Nature's Selection as been attuned to witness and percieve an evidence of same. Meantime the plenitude of people from the common streams will always sound their pseudo-opinions ruled by an unknown and non-realized essence of their Ignorance & Obscurity,  which does imposes on them to say and plead that "this all is not real".

    Through World of Oxford Dictionary, please do endeavour self to enhance your perspective Knowledge through search of the allied and varied meaning of words that starts from GNOSIS [ a genesis of Agnosis, Diagnosis, Prognosis] GNOME [ para'physic of Genome] , GENIE [para'physic of Gene] ... and such orientational vent & windows that can graduate yourself further to level of Realization & Enlightenment.

    Last not the Least, ONLY selected few people accross the globe do know the Esotericism behind the Arcane Value of the PARANORMALCY.

    Laconically, in scientific lexicon... PARANORMALCY is again an esoteric subject valued by arcane concepts & percepts as the working of Vibrational Energy in format of Para'Physics, and /or may be a vent as a herald for Omnijectivism to be evident to selected fews. In domain of ASTRAL SCIENCE the worthy values of Paranormalcy can be learnt and lucubrated at their best...  for a Knowledge to be attained by the concerned Human in their availed rest...


  4. All you need to know about the paranormal: See this wonderful site.

  5. Paranormal is an umbrella term used to describe unusual phenomena or experiences that lack an obvious scientific explanation.[1] In parapsychology, it is used to describe the potentially psychic phenomena of telepathy, extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, ghosts, and hauntings. The term is also applied to UFOs, some creatures that fall under the scope of cryptozoology, purported phenomena surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, and other non-psychical subjects.[2] Stories relating to paranormal phenomena are widespread in popular culture and folklore, but some organisations such as the United States National Science Foundation have stated that mainstream science does not support paranormal beliefs.[3]

    Approaching paranormal phenomena from a research perspective is often difficult because even when the phenomena are seen as real they may be difficult to explain using existing rules or theory. By definition, paranormal phenomena exist outside of conventional norms. Skeptics contend that they don't exist at all. Despite this challenge, studies on the paranormal are periodically conducted by researchers from various disciplines. Some researchers study just the beliefs in paranormal phenomena regardless of whether the phenomena actually exist.

    This section deals with various approaches to the paranormal including those scientific, pseudoscientific, and unscientific. Skeptics feel that supposed scientific approaches are actually pseudoscientific for several reasons which are explored below

    An anecdotal approach to the paranormal involves the collection of anecdotal evidence consisting of informal accounts. Anecdotal evidence, lacking the rigour of empirical evidence, is not amenable to scientific investigation. The anecdotal approach is not a scientific approach to the paranormal because it leaves verification dependent on the credibility of the party presenting the evidence. It is also subject to such logical fallacies as cognitive bias, inductive reasoning, lack of falsifiability, and other fallacies that may prevent the anecdote from having meaningful information to impart. Nevertheless, it is a common approach to paranormal phenomena.

    Charles Fort (1874 – 1932) is perhaps the best known collector of paranormal anecdotes. Fort is said to have compiled as many as 40,000 notes on unexplained phenomena, though there were no doubt many more than these. These notes came from what he called "the orthodox conventionality of Science", which were odd events originally reported in magazines and newspapers such as The Times and scientific journals such as Scientific American, Nature and Science. From this research Fort wrote seven books, though only four survive. These are: The Book of the Damned (1919), New Lands (1923), Lo! (1931) and Wild Talents (1932); one book was written between New Lands and Lo! but it was abandoned and absorbed into Lo!.

    Reported events that he collected include teleportation (a term Fort is generally credited with coining); poltergeist events, falls of frogs, fishes, inorganic materials of an amazing range; crop circles; unaccountable noises and explosions; spontaneous fires; levitation; ball lightning (a term explicitly used by Fort); unidentified flying objects; mysterious appearances and disappearances; giant wheels of light in the oceans; and animals found outside their normal ranges (see phantom cat). He offered many reports of OOPArts, abbreviation for "out of place" artifacts: strange items found in unlikely locations. He also is perhaps the first person to explain strange human appearances and disappearances by the hypothesis of alien abduction, and was an early proponent of the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

    Fort is considered by many as the father of modern paranormalism, which is the study of paranormal phenomena.

    The magazine Fortean Times continues Charles Forte's approach, regularly reporting anecdotal accounts of anomalous phenomena.

    While the validity of the existence of paranormal phenomena is controversial and debated passionately by both proponents of the paranormal and by skeptics, surveys are useful in determining the beliefs of people in regards to paranormal phenomena. These opinions, while not constituting scientific evidence for or against, may give an indication of the mindset of a certain portion of the population (at least among those who answered the polls).

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